Question - "How do I become a GW Facial Therapy Member and can I then call myself a GW Facial Therapist?"
Answer - To ensure the quality, authenticity and integrity of GW Facial Therapy® treatments, we have established the following policy for the benefit of all our GW Facial Therapists. In order to be recognised as a GW Facial Therapist and practice GW techniques, individuals must successfully complete an in-person GW course with an authorized GW State Trainer and attend at least one course annually for learning, refreshing, or fine-tuning purposes. Discounts are available. Additionally, they must maintain a subscription to the online GW Members Resource Library for reference. An updated GW Facial Therapy Annual Certificate, issued by your State Trainer, should be displayed on your clinic wall. Payments for the $33 monthly membership subscription and training may be tax-deductible for your business. You can cancel your membership subscription anytime.
Question - "Is there a restriction on what I can charge clients for a GW Facial Therapy treatment?"
Answer - No restrictions. You can charge what you like. We have proven $110 an hour is very acceptable, and some GW Facial Therapists do charge more.
Question - "I noticed a mention of Annual Training Requirements but I can't find any further detail. What is required in terms of annual training?"
Answer - For GW Members ongoing training will be provided in-person by their GW Authorised State Trainer. To retain GW Membership and the right to call yourself a GW Facial Therapist, any course, one day or two day, can be chosen for your annual training course. For fine-tuning purposes you can also attend a training course you have completed before. GW Member Discounts will apply to all courses.
Question - "As a member of another association, will I need to join IICT as well? I already have insurance and haven't been able to check if they will insure GW Facial Therapy or not?"
Answer - No you don't need to belong to the IICT to be a GW Facial Therapist. In regard to IICT Therapist Insurance - this benefit is really for start-ups/new businesses/people who don’t already have insurance for a similar treatment which would cover these additional techniques. If you do need therapist insurance, as an IICT member you can apply through the IICT. IICT have a relationship with an insurance company. If needed insurance may be available to an individual by applying through IICT, if they have completed and hold the Gorgeous Woman Japanese Facial Rejuvenation Certificate. This is possible because GW Facial Therapy is recognised as a training provider and modality by the IICT.
Existing Therapist insurance - Because the GW Facial Therapy techniques are natural facial techniques, although we can’t guarantee it as insurance companies can be tricky, you would expect that existing insurance for facial massage treatments may cover the therapist.
Question - "Is there a minimum for ordering wholesale?"
Answer - There is a minimum order value of $200 to purchase at wholesale prices.
Question - "Do I need to buy products to start?"
Answer - Start-up kits are optional but recommended. The products are also discounted just below wholesale to get you started. For all treatments GW skincare products are optional but recommended for best results, with the exception of the GW Japanese Facial Rejuvenation treatment. If you wish to provide an authentic Gorgeous Woman Japanese Facial Rejuvenation treatment under the trademarked name, then to retain authenticity and to provide the best result you must only use the GW skincare products recommended by GW for that treatment.
Question - "Will training notes and videos be supplied as part of the course, or only as part of the monthly subscription?"
Answer - Some Training notes and information will be provided on the training day. As a GW Member, you will have access to the GW Members exclusive comprehensive GW Members Resource Library, for refresher and fine-tuning purposes. The Resources include online videos of each technique and treatments with supporting illustrated PDFs.
Question - "Can I use the trademarked name GW Japanese Facial Rejuvenation in my business?"
Answer - To offer the exclusive GW Japanese Facial Rejuvenation treatment, therapists must remain current annual members/subscribers, hold a GW Japanese Facial Rejuvenation Certificate, and for authenticity, exclusively use GW techniques and GW skincare products as recommended by our GW Founder and Master Trainer Anna. ​
Question - "Just checking on the ongoing costs; $33 per month to become a GW Facial Therapy member?
Answer - GW Membership - the $33 a month for GW Facial Therapy Membership also provides ongoing access to the online GW Members Resource Library for support, reference and fine-tuning purposes to ensure the ongoing authenticity and integrity of the treatments. Current GW Membership also allows you to receive and display GW Certificates, call yourself a GW Facial Therapist and to say you use GW Facial Therapy techniques. Additionally discounts are available for refresher, follow-up or new courses for GW Members. You can cancel anytime.
Question - Are refunds possible?
Answer - Should a course be cancelled by the GW Authorised State Licensee/Trainer then your GW Authorised State Licensee/Trainer will provide a full refund of training course fees paid. Other expenses such as accommodation and travel expenses etc will not be refunded.
Refunds for training courses are available from your GW Authorised State Licensee/Trainer based on the notice period given by the student for cancellation before the start of the training course:
More than 60 days' notice: 100% refund
Between 60 and 30 days' notice: 50% refund
Less than 30 days: No refund available